Dona Amyrotou

Marimba and Percussion Performer/Educator

Dona Amyrotou is a professional musician specializing in classical percussion and marimba. She enjoys collaborating with musicians and artists from various art forms. She completed her studies in Cyprus (bachelor’s degree) at the ARTE Music Academy and in Poland (master’s degree) at the Akademia Muzyczna im. Stanisława Moniuszki w Gdańsku.

She is currently pursuing her doctoral studies in Germany, teaching percussion and music education, and performing. She won the first prize with distinction at the 3rd Panhellenic Music Competition “Solon Michaelides 2023” and third place (ex aequo) in the competition “IV Uczelniany Konkurs „Polska Miniatura”. She has participated in various festivals and marimba performances abroad and in Cyprus.