Cultural Club Omonia Aradippou

The Cultural Club “OMONOIA” Aradippou was founded in 1993 with the main purpose of promoting our cultural heritage. Additionally, it aims to create conditions for children and adults to experience our tradition. Traditional dance, music, and theater groups provide our members with opportunities for healthy engagement and socialization. Over 200 individuals of all ages participate in the dance groups, while the Philharmonic employs 50 members, 17 members in its music nursery, and 20 members in the theater workshop. It organizes events of informative, cultural, national, social, philanthropic, and entertaining character. At the same time, it organizes events aimed at engaging young people with topics that concern and challenge them.

The Administrative Board of the Cultural Club is predominantly composed of young people who wish to contribute and seek new ideas through which our tradition continues to charm in modern times. Young people are offered the opportunity to participate in communal activities, independent thinking, and opinion, which is why our Cultural Club is characterized by timelessness and solid foundations. The Cultural Club “OMONOIA” Aradippou has participated in numerous events with dance ensembles and the Philharmonic, both in Cyprus and abroad (Greece, Italy, UK, USA, Russia, Germany, Israel).

(Use of space only for the organization’s activities)

Contact Person: Zena Alambriti Kaimaklioti

+357 99167297