Antonis Zarintas

Author of Children’s Literature.

Antonis Zarintas is a teacher and serves children in the public schools of Cyprus. His fields of study are: Pedagogy, Psychology, Interculturality, Communication and new Journalism. He loves to do lessons with the kids, travel to classical music, fly balloons and make bubbles – giant ones though! Often, he does them all together and enjoys it with all his heart. He also loves to read and write. He believes that books, especially children’s books, are the safest refuge from the turmoil of the world. Thus, he took the big leap towards children, communicating with them through children’s books: “Η μέρα που τελείωσε το παγωτό” (The day the ice cream ended) and “Οι ερωτήσεις που θα αλλάξουν τον κόσμο” (The questions that will change the world) published by Ellinoekdotiki as well as “Γιάνους Κόρτσακ. Ο πατέρας των δικαιωμάτων του παιδιού” (Yianous Kortsak. The father of the child’s rights) from Almyra publications. More about him and his books at