Antonis Gavriel Papa


Antonis Gavriel Papa was born in Kiti, Larnaca province, on January 8, 1947. He is a graduate of the Pancyprian Lyceum of Larnaca. In 1975, he married Stavroula Euripidou from Stroumpi, Paphos, with whom they had three children. He permanently resides with his family in Kiti. He worked for 41 years at the Cooperative Credit Society (CCS) of Kiti, initially as an employee (1967-1990) and then as Secretary-General, from 1991 until 2008, when he retired.

He is systematically engaged in Cypriot folk poetry and to date has 14 poetry books, as well as plays and fairy tales, written in the Cypriot dialect, while several of his poems have been set to music.