Alia Corm

Artist – Painter

I am a self-taught artist influenced by my double French and Lebanese identity. When moving to Cyprus in 2011, and especially after the birth of my twins in 2017, it appeared to me that I had to dedicate my life to painting as painting is crucial to my well-being.

Back in France where I lived most of my life I studied History, History of Art and History and cultural heritage management. I worked in various private and public institutions of the cultural sector. When I moved to Cyprus I was working as a Freelance translator for diverse sectors: cultural and academic but also IT and financial.

Painting was always part of my life, as I grew up surrounded by the paintings of my grand-father, Georges Daoud Corm, one of the founders of modern Lebanese painting. In June 2018 I held my first solo exhibition in Larnaca and since then I haven’t left my brushes.