Alkistis Voulgari


Alkistis Voulgari was born in Athens. She is an actress and dancer, specialising in the dance technique of Isadora Duncan. For the last three years she has been experimenting with her own film and performance creations, incorporating theatre, poetry, literature, dance and radio art.

Her work has been presented in many different countries, festivals, exhibitions and theatres such as Short Film Panorama and Academia Romantica of Athens, Avatar Center and Porcovete Pictures in Canada, UNU – Flores and Technische Sammlungen in Dresden, International Multimedia Art Festival in Serbia, Verti Films in Prague, On the Rocks Film Festival in Italy, Museum of Dead Words in Brooklyn, NY.

She is gradually visualising and working on the reconnection of theatre with its natural roots by improvising and exploring the primitive idea in an open, natural space where the film camera becomes the “director’s eye” and an eternal narration of theatrical, performative, human and life experience.