Κυριακή Μανώλη

Theatre and Drama Educator

Kyriaki Manoli was born in Larnaca. She is an active theatre educator in Cyprus. She holds a degree in English Literature from the University of Cyprus. She pursued postgraduate studies in Theatre and Drama in Education at the University of Warwick, from which she graduated with honors. For the past five years, she has been teaching Drama and Theatre in Education at the Nadia Tomasidou Theatre Workshop. She conducts experiential workshops and theatre education programs in various kindergartens and primary schools in Cyprus.

During the current academic year, she implemented the approved Theatre Education Program “Theatre and Cypriot Folk Tales”. She provides musical storytelling workshops and performances for various organizations. She regularly participates in theatrical seminars and workshops. Some of the workshops she has attended include the European Theatre Lab for educators, inspirers, and theatre professionals with Sophia Vgenopoulou, Drama in Education Workshops with Joe Winston – Professor Emeritus of Drama and Theatre Education, ‘Being truthful with fiction’ – “Actor-in-Role”, and Theatre Workshop – “The theatrical play as a means of education”.

She is an active member of the Centre of Theatre for Children and Young People – Assitej Cyprus.