Leda Solomonidou

Visual Artist and HR

Leda Solomonidou (1993) hails from Larnaca, where she resides. She is characterized by her professionalism combined with her sense of responsibility, her pleasant disposition, and her perseverance for success.

She is a graduate of the American Academy of Larnaca, as well as a graduate in Fine Arts from the Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design (DJCAD), University of Dundee in Scotland. Her studies not only secured her the title of professional artist but also provided her with the knowledge to pursue various aspects of the Arts field such as painting, sculpture, ceramics, photography, etc. Additionally, she holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resources from the Cyprus Business School (CIM).

She has collaborated with artistic and educational organizations, governmental bodies, and private enterprises. She has participated in painting and sculpture exhibitions as both an artist and assistant curator. Currently, she serves as the coordinator of the Youth Makerspace Larnaca program at the Cyprus Youth Organization. In this capacity, she leverages her skills to organize and manage personnel and space, foster social relations, promote the program and oversee the planning and execution of activities and events.

She is also an active member of the Cyprus Scout Association since 2015, as well as the practical assistance association “One Us”. From 2002 to 2022, she was a volleyball player and at times a captain, for the teams AEK Larnaca, University of Dundee, and Marathona Kato Varosion. Her personal pursuits have shaped her integrity, team spirit, and noble competition, her patience, and her discipline.