Stavroula Thoma


Stavroula Thomas is a Cypriot pianist who has performed concerts in England, Hungary, Spain, Greece, and Cyprus. The lively sense of communication and lyricism are among the elements recognized in the pianist’s performances.

Her orchestral debut took place in 2014, when she interpreted the Concerto for Piano in D minor by J.S. Bach in concerts with the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra (Young Soloists, First Step) under the direction of Roland Melia. She also played A. Mozart’s Concerto for Piano in D minor with the Repertoire Orchestra of the Birmingham Conservatoire under the direction of Daniele Rosina. At the age of 11, Stavroula won the 2nd prize at the Evangelia Tziarri International Competition.

During her undergraduate studies, she was a scholar of the George and Maria Tirimou Foundation. She was awarded the Marzorie Huzlehurst Prize (2011) for her performance at her postgraduate final concert at the Birmingham Conservatoire. From 2012 to 2014, she studied at the Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest, receiving a full scholarship from the Joseph Weingarten Foundation. Stavroula has performed concerts at significant concert venues and festivals such as: the International Kodály Festival (Kecskemet, Hungary), Palace of Arts (Budapest, Hungary), Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Musica Als Parks (Barcelona), Classical Music Festival (Larnaca), Frontiers Festival (Birmingham), Symphony Hall (Birmingham), Steinway Hall (London), Adrian Boult Hall (Birmingham), World Music Festival (Paphos Music Lovers), Bromley Music Makers (London). Stavroula Thomas has given concerts as an artist of the Concordia Foundation at St James Piccadilly and the McMillan Cancer Centre in London.

Stavroula has a special passion for piano teaching and works in schools in London (primary, secondary, and high schools). The Cypriot pianist has recently become an honorary member of the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire Alumni Association, for which she participates in interviews and lectures organized by the aforementioned organization.